American Logistics Aid Network (ALAN) Announces 2021 Board Members


April 5, 2021

For Immediate Release

For further information, contact: Lori Lockman ,678/581-8421, [email protected]


American Logistics Aid Network (ALAN) Announces 2021 Board Members

Lakeland, Fla.The American Logistics Aid Network (ALAN) today announced the following additions to its board of directors: 

  • Mary Long, lecturer and managing director of the Global Supply Chain Institute’s Forum at the University of Tennessee Knoxville’s Haslam College of Business
  • Stacey Kobayashi, global logistics consultant.


They join returning board members Mark E. Richards, Richard Sharpe, Brent Hutto, Michael Gardner, Robert Martichenko, Penelope Menzies, Tim Osmulski, Natalie Putnam, Elijah Ray and Roger Woody in forming the core of ALAN’s leadership team for 2021.   

 “A humanitarian organization can only be as strong and successful as the leaders behind it, which is why we’re elated to welcome Mary and Stacey to our board  – all while also offering our thanks to our retiring board members, Cheryl Harrity and Ian Wright,” said ALAN Board Chair Mark Richards.  “We’re delighted that both of these professionals said yes, and we’re looking forward to the new energy and ideas they’ll bring to the ALAN team.”  


Founded in 2005 in the wake of Hurricane Katrina, ALAN is a philanthropic, industry-wide organization that provides free logistics assistance to disaster relief organizations before, during and after catastrophic events. It does this by bringing the expertise and resources of the logistics industry together with humanitarian organizations so that help can arrive sooner, and each relief dollar can be maximized. Over the years it has coordinated compassionate supply chain services for natural disasters including hurricanes, wildfires, tornadoes and floods. To learn more visit

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ALAN is monitoring the severe weather and flooding occurring in the Eastern U.S. Visit our Situation Snapshot page to see current open cases or Request Support if you have a need.