We Got By With A Little Help From Our (Journalist) Friends

When you’re in the business of helping people, there never seem to be enough hours in the day. This has been especially true in recent years, when several devastating hurricanes (not to mention a collection of tornadoes, floods and wildfires) have kept ALAN even busier than usual.

Faced with a choice between using our time to do things like arrange another urgent shipment or keeping our messaging up-to-date, we’ve chosen Door Number One. That’s why you won’t find a huge number of news releases on this page.

Even so, the word about ALAN has still managed to get out, thanks to the many media allies who have carried positive stories like the ones that are also featured below. Their efforts have played a key role in helping us raise awareness about everything from urgent needs to requests for volunteers and donations, and we are supremely grateful for their coverage.

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ALAN Stories

Donations like yours made it possible for ALAN to coordinate the transport of three mobile clinics during the 2014 -2015 Ebola crisis.

ALAN is responding to the severe weather and tornadoes in the Midwest and Southeast. Visit our Situation Snapshot page to see current open cases or Request Support if you have a need.