An Attitude Of Gratitude


My family is planning a big Thanksgiving this year. My husband will do all the cooking, while I’ll bake the pies and do the dishes. (It’s not really a fair trade – he’s a great cook, but a messy one.) I have family of all ages coming from across the U.S., and our house will be full of love, laughter, and gratitude as we join together to celebrate another year.

Chances are you have similar plans, because giving thanks is a big part of every American’s November calendar (or October calendar if you’re Canadian).

Meanwhile, here at ALAN, it’s a different story – because I have a job that inspires me to be thankful every day of the year, especially lately.

Don’t get me wrong. Disasters definitely aren’t anything to celebrate, and I’d certainly sacrifice a turkey wishbone to have skipped the hurricanes, floods, and fires we’ve seen in 2018.

However what I am thankful for is the many non-profits that showed up to help. Many of those non-profits called on ALAN this year for support. And ALAN in turn called on the logistics community.

Which is where you come in. I’m so grateful that you all answered the call – and that you did so in such a big and generous way.

Among other things warehouses opened their doors to stage and store supplies. Equipment distributors loaned and donated things like forklifts and pallet jacks. Trucking companies moved food, hygiene items, hydration, power, and other commodities. Staff at our industry and professional association partners made phone calls and introductions to help us find these critical donations. And volunteers kept our communications flowing, managed projects, raised funds and shared the ALAN story.

At the end of the day, each of these activities meant a little less suffering for someone whose life had just been turned upside down by disaster. And that is something to celebrate indeed.

It saddens me to know that many of those who were affected by this year’s disasters won’t be celebrating Thanksgiving in their own homes on November 22 – and that they probably won’t be able to return for many months as they clean up and rebuild. But I am heartened to know that there are so many wonderful organizations supporting those communities now and into the future. And I’m grateful that ALAN and our partners will be here to help them recover.

So, long after my nephew sneaks the last bite of pumpkin pie, I’ve washed the hundredth dirty dish and my sister tells my daughter my most embarrassing secrets from my teenage years, I’ll still be feeling thankful. And when I bow my head over a bounteous feast and say grace with my family, I’ll slip in a word of thanks for you.

Kathy Fulton
Executive Director

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ALAN is monitoring the severe weather and flooding occurring in the Eastern U.S. Visit our Situation Snapshot page to see current open cases or Request Support if you have a need.