An Open Note To My Friends Who Work In Crisis Response


Sad does not even begin to describe how I feel about yesterday’s murders in Uvalde.

I know that for those of us who work in crisis response, these types of events often hit close to home and bring up intense emotions.

I don’t have any words to help you process – I can’t even help myself process right now. Sometimes it feels easier to push away the bad things, to not talk about them. In our job we don’t have that option.

But I hope that being a part of a community of professionals that unite to provide compassion and hope – that same community that works to better prepare our communities to respond when the unspeakable happens – will help you, as it helps me, to remember that there is more good than evil in the world. More people who want to help others than who want to hurt others.  And many reasons to continue believing that love and kindness will always prevail.

Our profession is a force for good. I’m reminded of that in every conversation I have, and it makes me glad to know you. Thank you for being lights in the darkest of times.

And if you’re reading this, regardless of what job you do, please join me for a brief pause to honor the memories of those killed yesterday, and all of the victims of gun violence.



Executive Director

American Logistics Aid Network

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