An Update On ALAN’s Hawai’i Response

Dear ALAN Friends: By now you’ve undoubtedly seen the many news reports about the devastating fires that hit the island of Maui. We mourn for those who’ve lost family members, friends and homes, not to mention most of their hometown. And we have already begun actively supporting relief efforts. After a disasters hit, it’s not […]

December Tornadoes Update

By now you’ve probably seen the drone footage of the terrible destruction in Mayfield, KY, or heard reports of the deaths at an Amazon warehouse in Edwardsville, IL. The last two days have been filled with tragic reports from areas affected by at least 30 tornadoes, including a long track tornado that crossed four states. […]

American Logistics Aid Network (ALAN) Announces 2021 Board Members

April 5, 2021 For Immediate Release For further information, contact: Lori Lockman ,678/581-8421, [email protected]   American Logistics Aid Network (ALAN) Announces 2021 Board Members Lakeland, Fla. – The American Logistics Aid Network (ALAN) today announced the following additions to its board of directors:  Mary Long, lecturer and managing director of the Global Supply Chain Institute’s […]

The American Logistics Aid Network – Past, Present, and Future – Part 2

In last week’s blog, Robert Martichenko shared a few of the surprising things he’s learned about ALAN since joining our board, starting with an entertaining view of what we were like in our early days. This week, he continues that discussion with a candid view of who ALAN is now – and how we hope […]

ACME Truck Line

ACME, ALAN Help Project Hope Transport Health And Hygiene Kits Five pallets’ worth of health and hygiene kits reached Hurricane Laura survivors throughout Texas and Louisiana thanks to a team effort from Project Hope and ALAN.


Core-Mark Donates Freezer Tractor Trailers To Save Perishable Food Donation When the Arkansas Food Bank received $2 million worth of donated perishable food, there was only one problem:  Finding enough frozen transportation space to store and distribute it.  Enter ALAN and Core-Mark, which donated the use of two freezer tractor trailers throughout the spring and […]

Bergen Logistics

Bergen Logistics Warehouse Supports New York City Area Hospitals During COVID As cases of COVID-19 began to escalate in the United States, ALAN and in-kind donor Bergen Logistics stepped up to help by donating the staging and storage of 32 containers’ worth of beds, tents and other critical medical supplies that were needed to support […]

The American Logistics Aid Network – Past, Present, and Future – Part 1

By Robert Martichenko – Board Member, American Logistics Aid Network It was my honor and pleasure in 2019 when my friend Mark Richards called and asked if I would join the board of the American Logistics Aid Network (ALAN). The timing was good as I was at that point in one’s career when we look […]

“Bah” La La La La

Have I ever told you about the time I played Ebenezer Scrooge in A Christmas Carol? Yes, really. Our fifth-grade class staged a musical version of Dickens’ famous holiday classic, and I was one of several students cast to play the role of the crotchety cheapskate. To this day, when I watch any of the […]

ALAN is monitoring the severe weather and flooding occurring in the Eastern U.S. Visit our Situation Snapshot page to see current open cases or Request Support if you have a need.