Communicating During The Coronavirus (Or Why ALAN Has Been So Quiet)

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Communicating During The Coronavirus (Or Why ALAN Has Been So Quiet) When a disaster hits, one of the first messages that ALAN sends is a reminder not to self-deploy or participate in product collection drives — because we know from experience that these well-intentioned efforts can get in the way of first responders’ essential […]

Hat’s Incredible:  A Day In The Life Of ALAN

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Fun fact:   I rarely wear hats, unless you count bicycle helmets.   But on a recent day, the ALAN team and I found ourselves donning numerous chapeaux over the course of just a few hours –  so much so that we could have given Diane Keaton a run for her money. . .   EDUCATOR […]

Keep Calm – And Remember To Wash Your Hands

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]There are some stories that have the potential to scare the (ahem) stuffing out of us.  And not all of them are authored by Stephen King.   The unfolding tale of the Novel Coronavirus , also known as the 2019-nCoVor nCoV, is one of them.   Here at ALAN we’ve been monitoring the situation closely, […]

Feeling Decade-ent:  Reflecting On The Last Ten Years Of ALAN

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]I don’t know about you.  But I’m a huge fan of January.   I really enjoy the fresh start that each new calendar year brings.   And I’m especially excited this year, because it’s a start of a new decade – and not just for the calendar.   You see, it was ten years ago that […]

The Heart (Burn) Of The Matter

Growing up, I wasn’t prone to stomachaches.  Even so, you could set your clock by the fact that I would get a huge one every Thanksgiving, because although I had a child-sized tummy, I also had a supersized appetite for everything that was served at my family’s annual feast.  There I’d be, clutching my stomach […]

Whoa, Whoa, Whoa, It’s Magic

When I was in elementary school we had to research a career and do a presentation about it to our classmates.  I chose “magician.”  I had a great time reading about magicians, and even got to meet a locally famous one who taught me a card trick that I could use in my presentation.   […]

Closer Than You Think

Have you ever watched a Christmas episode of one of your favorite shows during the summer? No matter how well-done it is, it just feels wrong, especially when it’s hot and sunny outside.  To an extent, that’s how I feel writing this particular blog, because while everyone’s still enjoying Indian Summer I have to be […]

ALAN Announces 2019 Humanitarian Logistics Awards Winners: Amazon, Total Quality Logistics Among Honorees

For Immediate Release For further information, contact:    Lori Lockman, 678/581-8421; [email protected] Lakeland, Fla. – The American Logistics Aid Network (ALAN) today announced the 2019 winners of its Humanitarian Logistics Awards.  “Each year we have a chance to recognize outstanding companies and individuals who are living, breathing examples of what selfless logistics is all about,” […]

What Is ALAN Doing For The Bahamas?

If you look up the expression “mixed emotions” in the dictionary today, you might find my picture. On the one hand, I’m hugely relieved that Dorian didn’t strike the U.S East Coast as a Category 5 and that so many communities were spared a direct hit.    On the other, I am heartsick about what […]

ALAN is monitoring the severe weather and flooding occurring in the Eastern U.S. Visit our Situation Snapshot page to see current open cases or Request Support if you have a need.