Finally, A Food Blog!

Whenever there is a birthday, funeral, or other special occasion in my family, someone inevitably bakes “Jo Helen’s Lemonade Cake.”  I don’t know where the recipe originated, although I’m guessing it was probably clipped from a popular women’s magazine or even some product box.   Regardless it’s always attributed to our Grandma Jo, and the tradition […]

The (Not-So) Calm Before The Storm

  Years ago, the swimming star Esther Williams had a question she was asked so often, she had a card printed with the answer, “Yes, I still swim.” Although ALAN isn’t quite that famous (or aquatic), we can relate.  Because each time a hurricane starts to form, we have one question that seems to pop […]

Fasten Your Seatbelts Part 2

Earlier this month, I officially earned my nerd card when I admitted that I pay attention to every word of in-flight safety briefings.  I also presented the first half of my discussion about why some of the instructions contained in those briefings are such a fitting parallel for how we as individuals and businesses should […]

Fasten Your Seatbelts Part 1

I fly on a regular basis (taking two or three trips a month isn’t unusual for me). So I’ve sat through A LOT of safety announcements.  And without sounding like a bragging goody two shoes, I have to tell you that I pay attention every time.   I also read the safety information card – and […]

Staying The Course

About a month ago I ran my first half marathon. I won’t reveal my time.  But I will say that I showed up, stayed the course, and succeeded in finishing, even if it did feel like they kept moving the finish line farther and farther away. Plus, I’m already beginning to look ahead to my […]

ALAN’s Helpful Post-Tornado Relief Do’s And Don’ts

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]As you are well aware, several devastating tornados touched down in the Southeast this past Sunday. Since then, ALAN has heard from many people who are anxious to know, “What can we do?” (And thank you for all of those questions!) We hope to have specific answers soon, because we are working closely with the […]

Florence From The Driver’s Seat Do’s And Don’ts

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Earlier this morning, Hurricane Florence made landfall in North Carolina. As you can imagine, ALAN’s phone and email have stayed busy with messages from people who have all been asking some variation of the same question:  “What can we do?”  (And thank you for all of them!) ALAN will have some very specific answers to […]

This Giving Tuesday: Deliver Hope Where It’s Needed Most!

Your gift to ALAN helps ensure disaster survivors receive critical supplies when they need them most. Together, we can make a difference.