ACME Truck Line

ACME, ALAN Help Project Hope Transport Health And Hygiene Kits Five pallets’ worth of health and hygiene kits reached Hurricane Laura survivors throughout Texas and Louisiana thanks to a team effort from Project Hope and ALAN.

Core-Mark Donates Freezer Tractor Trailers To Save Perishable Food Donation When the Arkansas Food Bank received $2 million worth of donated perishable food, there was only one problem: Finding enough frozen transportation space to store and distribute it. Enter ALAN and Core-Mark, which donated the use of two freezer tractor trailers throughout the spring and […]
Bergen Logistics

Bergen Logistics Warehouse Supports New York City Area Hospitals During COVID As cases of COVID-19 began to escalate in the United States, ALAN and in-kind donor Bergen Logistics stepped up to help by donating the staging and storage of 32 containers’ worth of beds, tents and other critical medical supplies that were needed to support […]