An Important Reminder (And A Thank You)

Hello friends, I had an unexpected reminder this morning as I was driving to my office of just how important your support of ALAN is to those we serve. As I think most of you know, I live in Southern California – the land of freeways, masses of people always on the move, traffic, and […]

The American Logistics Aid Network – Past, Present, and Future – Part 2

In last week’s blog, Robert Martichenko shared a few of the surprising things he’s learned about ALAN since joining our board, starting with an entertaining view of what we were like in our early days. This week, he continues that discussion with a candid view of who ALAN is now – and how we hope […]

The American Logistics Aid Network – Past, Present, and Future – Part 1

By Robert Martichenko – Board Member, American Logistics Aid Network It was my honor and pleasure in 2019 when my friend Mark Richards called and asked if I would join the board of the American Logistics Aid Network (ALAN). The timing was good as I was at that point in one’s career when we look […]

Are We There Yet? A Look At COVID-19, Cross-Country Races And Finishing Strong

A Letter From Board Member Mark Richards Fun fact about ALAN: Many of us who work or volunteer here are either long-distance runners, or we’re related to someone who is. Thanks to my sons Tim, Ryan, and Aaron, who are all cross-country runners, I actually fall into both categories. As a result, I hope you […]

The (Not-So) Calm Before The Storm – Dorian Edition

Years ago, the swimming star Esther Williams had a question she was asked so often, she had a card printed with the answer, “Yes, I still swim.” Although ALAN isn’t quite that famous (or aquatic), we can relate.  Because each time a hurricane starts to form, we have one question that seems to pop up […]

Lessons Learned

There’s a funny story about Abraham Lincoln. After agreeing to pardon a woman’s son who had been sentenced to death for treason, Lincoln confessed that he pardoned the son reluctantly.  “Still, I wish,” he said, “that we could teach him a lesson.” Lincoln’s quote comes to mind when I think about hurricane season, because each […]

The (Not-So) Calm Before The Storm

  Years ago, the swimming star Esther Williams had a question she was asked so often, she had a card printed with the answer, “Yes, I still swim.” Although ALAN isn’t quite that famous (or aquatic), we can relate.  Because each time a hurricane starts to form, we have one question that seems to pop […]

ALAN is monitoring the severe weather and flooding occurring in the Eastern U.S. Visit our Situation Snapshot page to see current open cases or Request Support if you have a need.