Communicating During The Coronavirus (Or Why ALAN Has Been So Quiet)



Communicating During The Coronavirus (Or Why ALAN Has Been So Quiet)

When a disaster hits, one of the first messages that ALAN sends is a reminder not to self-deploy or participate in product collection drives — because we know from experience that these well-intentioned efforts can get in the way of first responders’ essential activities and that they often wind up adding to (rather than solving) an area’s supply chain challenges.

We feel the same way when the disaster in question is a pandemic – and not just about products.

Right now, it is essential that the right information reaches as many people as possible from the most reliable or mission-critical sources, including:

  • the CDC, local hospitals, and area health and safety officials
  • local, state and federal governments
  • and key businesses such as supermarkets, pharmacies and PPE equipment providers

But that can only happen if their messages don’t get lost in the crowd or people don’t start to suffer from message fatigue.  

That’s why you haven’t been receiving e-mails, news releases and other forms of outbound communications from ALAN about the Coronavirus.  It’s also why we will continue to try not to flood your inbox with Coronavirus messaging in the weeks to come unless we need to communicate about direct needs that we need your help with.

In short, we are trying hard to leave most communications lines clear (and avoid adding to the current Coronavirus messaging deluge) so that the most important health and safety messages can continue to get through.

That said, please know that ALAN is officially mobilized to assist with relief efforts for this emergency – and that we are actively working  to help. Time permitting, we will do our best to keep you updated about our efforts and needs via the Coronavirus section of our Disaster Micro-site and we encourage you to visit it often if you’d like to know more.  

Meanwhile, if you’re a government or non-profit organization that needs our help during the Coronavirus crisis, please feel free to contact us here.  

If you’re an individual or business that would like to donate logistics equipment, space or services to help, let us know by reaching out here.  

Or if you’re a journalist or concerned business or citizen who simply wants to know more, feel free to contact us here or by e-mailing us at [email protected].

On a final note, we’ll leave you with these thoughts from one of our co-founders:  Typically we respond to support a region. Now we are responding to support a country, and it’s undoubtedly a momentous task. Although it can easily seem like things are spinning out of control, when we see all of the people who are stepping up to be a part of the solutions, it gives us a sense of hope that we will, indeed, get through this. 

Thanks for caring.  And thanks for coming together.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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ALAN is monitoring the severe weather and flooding occurring in the Eastern U.S. Visit our Situation Snapshot page to see current open cases or Request Support if you have a need.