GCCA Member United States Cold Storage Rescues 150 Pallets of Pork


Image: GCCA member United States Cold Storage receiving the first shipment of pork to store for Operation BBQ Rescue.

Originally published via Global Cold Chain Alliance’s Cold Connection news series


On a Friday afternoon, the American Logistics Aid Network (ALAN) contacted the association with a request: Could a GCCA member help store 150 pallets of frozen pork before it went to waste?

A disaster relief organization called Operation BBQ Relief received an unexpected donation of 150 pallets of frozen pork that needed a home, or it would go to waste. Operation BBQ Relief contacted ALAN to seek support, who in turn connected the organization with GCCA. As a partner of GCCA’s Food Maximization initiative, ALAN and GCCA work together to identify solutions to temperature-controlled logistics issues faced in disaster situations.

Immediately, the association reached out to GCCA members in the Dallas region to see which member, if any, could help. GCCA members Lineage Logistics, RLS Premier, and United States Cold Storage, were keen to support and answered the late afternoon call ahead of the long weekend. Ultimately, Keith Mowery, SVP, Logistics at United States Cold Storage (USCS) ensured the donation could be properly stored in a USCS facility. Their local facility will store all the product for six to eight months. According to Operation BBQ Relief, this donation will provide approximately 500,000 meals to people experiencing a disaster situation.

“Operation BBQ Relief thanks United States Cold Storage for the generous support to share the healing power of BBQ. Through the help of ALAN and GCCA, United States Cold Storage provided refrigeration for donations of meat that will help Operation BBQ Relief continue to further its mission in communities throughout the country. Thank you, United States Cold Storage,” remarked Paul Peterson, Head of Development Initiatives at Operation BBQ Relief.

Kathy Fulton, Executive Director of ALAN, noted, “We are so grateful to GCCA for their help in connecting Operation BBQ Relief with United States Cold Storage for this time-sensitive donation. Survivors of future disasters will receive a hot, delicious meal thanks to GCCA and United States Cold Storage.”

The association will continue to pursue opportunities to support food banks, food rescue organizations, and other food maximization groups around the world. “The association started this initiative with the hopes that we could utilize the member network to reduce food waste and help provide safe, quality food to people who need it most. It is thanks to our members that we were able to do just that,” Amanda Brondy, Vice President of International Projects and point of contact for the association’s Food Maximization initiative, added.

If you are a food bank interested in accessing GCCA’s resources and network of cold chain logistics providers, sign up for our complimentary food maximization membership. If you are an existing GCCA member with interest to support this initiative, contact Amanda Brondy ([email protected]) to learn more and get involved.

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