Government FAQs

How ALAN works with government organizations

What kinds of assistance does ALAN offer?

ALAN is available to help connect government organizations with the supply chain information, expertise, equipment, services and support they need most so that they can do a more expedient and efficient job of providing humanitarian relief. As a result, we predominantly provide help in four areas:


  • Logistics expertise/situational awareness
  • Ground transportation, especially over-the-road trucking
  • Warehousing services and space
  • Material handling equipment, including pallets, forklifts, pallet jacks and boxes

What kinds of government organizations are eligible to receive ALAN’s assistance?

We specialize in supporting government organizations that are supplying disaster relief but are also available to help many other worthy departments that require logistics assistance, space or services.

Tell us more about the logistics expertise/situational awareness part of ALAN’s work with government organizations.

ALAN supports government organizations in building relationships with private sector entities via activities such as:


  • Collecting and synthesizing data on the actions being taken by owners and operators of private sector supply chains, so that government entities can make better-informed decisions about relief activities
  • Convening cross-sector conversations on how businesses and government can better coordinate response activities
  • Connecting government organizations with supply chain experts who can provide advice and insights for improving the efficiency of their supply chain operations


Essentially, ALAN is available to help government organizations find the right answers to a wide variety of supply chain challenges ASAP. In some cases, we already have this data at our fingertips thanks to our many participating partners, IT systems, and the many years we’ve spent focusing on supply chain disaster relief. In others, we can usually immediately put these organizations in touch with someone who does.

Can you give us an example of how ALAN has worked with government organizations in the past?

During the fall of 2017, when Hurricanes Irma and Maria hit, one of ALAN’s executive team members was able to embed at FEMA’s National Response Coordination Center and work side-by-side with FEMA personnel to track down the necessary logistics connections and information directly from the experts in our network who were familiar with the affected regions. This information included things like: transportation capacity, fuel availability, and longitudinal impact to supply chains.

How can a government organization request ALAN’s help? And how long will it take ALAN to respond after a request is made?

Government organizations can request ALAN’s help by visiting the “Request Support” section of our website and filling out the appropriate form.   


ALAN tries to acknowledge all requests within 8 hours and to respond with some type of solution within 48 hours. However during disasters, that response time may be slower simply because of the sheer volume of requests and work that we’re handling. So bear with us if you don’t hear back from us immediately. We WILL get back to you, and your request IS important to us.

How does ALAN typically fulfill requests for help?

Once we receive a request for help, we will work with your organization to ensure we have all the essential data and information needed. We will then share your need with the logistics associations or businesses in our network that have the geographic presence, skills, interest and capacity to assist with your request.  Once a donor volunteers to help with the request, we will connect them with your organization so they can make it happen. Then we will follow through to ensure your need has been fully met.  

What does it cost for a government organization to use ALAN’s services?

Nothing. Like you, our mission is to provide help, hope and compassion – and thanks to our generous sponsors, members and donors (and the many members of our network who are ready to respond when we issue a request for help), we’re able to do that without charging a single penny.

ALAN is responding to the severe weather and tornadoes in the Midwest and Southeast. Visit our Situation Snapshot page to see current open cases or Request Support if you have a need.